Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Lifestyle journalist more knowledgeable than scientists - fact

The scientific establishment was rocked this week by the revelation that esteemed thinker India Knight - who has a sideline as a lifestyle journalist - doesn't "believe" in science. Ms Knight who specialises in writing about shopping, eating and her life in North London, dismissed a study of 5000 twins, which examined the relationship between environmental factors and genetic factors in causing obesity, on the basis that she doesn't "believe a word of it". This will come as a surprise to the properly qualified scientists at University College London whose work over several years was published this month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
India Knight is currently promoting the sale of her diet book. The diet book industry is likely to be damaged by the discovery that obesity has a major genetic factor, but this is not thought to have had any bearing on her views.

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